
Vision of CEAT

Excellence in engineering education, research and extension; committed to progressive transformation and global relevance of Philippine Agriculture and Industry

Mission of DCE

To produce quality Civil Engineering graduates with a strong sense of professionalism by:

  1. Continually upgrading the BSCE program;
  2. Providing well-rounded education that includes an appreciation for the humanities, a commitment to the protection of the environment and a deep sense of ethical principles for sound and professional practice; and
  3. Spearheading scholarly research and development from the different niches of Civil Engineering based on the highest international standards.


Program Educational Objectives


  1. Engage in teaching civil engineering subjects for HEI, consultation, inspection and management services on the design and construction of civil engineering projects.
  2. Occupy responsible position in public or private institutions involved in civil engineering projects.
  3. Own or manage civil engineering-based business enterprise.
  4. Hold leadership in research and development, training and extension work, and consultancy services in the different fields of civil engineering.
  5. Pursue advanced studies in civil engineering and other emerging related fields




 Program Learning Outcomes

A graduate of the BS Civil Engineering should have the ability to:

Common to all programs

a. Articulate the latest developments in their specific field of practice;

b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino languages;

c. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multicultural teams;

d. Demonstrate professional, social and ethical responsibility, especially in practicing intellectual property rights and sustainable development; and

e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.

Common to all engineering programs

f. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems;

g. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;

h. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards;

i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning;

j. Understand contemporary issues; and

k. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

l. Apply knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and a leader in a team to manage projects and in multidiscplinary environments

Specific to BS Civil Engineering

m. Apply knowledge, skills, and experiences acquired from research, innovationeering, and internship to create innovative technologies and employment opportunities;

n. Develop solutions to civil engineering problems; and

o. Assess the effects and impact of civil engineering projects on the environment and society.

Specific to the University of the Philippines

p. Lead with honor and excellence in public service and in fields of practice.